Thursday, November 6, 2008

Welcome to my kitchen

OK, my nieces did this so I will too....

1. Do you have magnets on your fridge? Yes

2. Do you have a calendar in the kitchen and if so, what is it's theme? It is the MO Conservation calendar. It has photos of critters from MO. The photos are quite well done.

3. What is your favorite kitchen gadget or tool? Ed

4. Are you lucky enough to have a pantry of some kind? Yes, I have a huge pantry. I love it.

5. What is your favorite appliance? The microwave.

6. Do you have an eat in kitchen? Yes, and I use it. However, last night I ate pizza in the tack room.

7. Do you have a bread box? No

8. Do you have a picture of your kids on the fridge? No Kids, no photos. A photo of aunt KK is in my kitchen.

9. Do you ever cooked breakfast in your pjs? If putting a instant oatmeal in the microwave is cooking....all the time.

10. Do you have a favorite cookbook? No

11. Are you lucky enough to have recipes that were passed down from your mom and grandma? I am lucky not to......expecially the steak, and hash.....blachhkk.

12. What's your favorite food? Chocolate, chocolate, and chocolate. I think it runs in the family.

13. What's your favorite thing to cook? Brocolli cornbread cassorole

14. Is your coffee pot electric or stove top? Electric...I am using it less and less. I am starting to perfer hot tea.

15. Do you make your own bread? Ha! NO.

16. Name one thing you have hanging on the wall in your kitchen. I have pictures of birds.

17. Is there a clock in your kitchen? On the Microwave and oven.

18. Do you have a bowl of fruit on your table or counter? No. I sometime have a bowl of candy.

19. What type of canisters do you have? None. I keep flour, sugar, etc in the frig so ants are not attracted.

20. Does your kitchen have a theme? No

21. What's for supper tonight? Probably left over pizza

22. Do you have enough cabinet space? A ton.

23. Does your family use paper plates? No. We have them but rarely use them.

24. Do you have a good set of china packed up? No.

25. Do you wear an apron to work in the kitchen? No

26. Name one thing you would change about your kitchen if you could. I need a new frig. And I would take away the clocks so that there is only one. With everyone wanted to conserve energy, why must every appliance have a clock!!! Ok I need to not rant...

Join me in sharing about your kitchen!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The horses love the fall. They get all of the apples that fall from the tree. I am enjoying the apples also....the ones I picked from the tree.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I guess I am not too good at adding photos to this blog...

Busy on the farm

We have a new brick patio, a retaining wall/flower garden, and are working on getting new tin put on the barn. The front is almost finished. It looks great. So much to do. The list never diminshes.